About Step Now

We offer customers a chance to be part of the global change towards a greener planet

Our products

Sioutopoulou Anastasia is an engineer, with an MSc in Wastes Management – Recycling from the United Kingdom. Her studies, as well as her interest, urged her to create a business where the protection of the environment is possible for everyone and not just a few people.


STEP NOW is a business that created with the sole purpose to supply each family and business with products that protect humans and at the same time the environment, both in their use and in the way they are produced.

Same products, Different Phylosophy

We offer the same products someone can find in a simple market. However, our products do not pollute the environment at the slightest.

Why choose STEP NOW?

We combine ecofriendly and user friendly products for our customers’ needs and satisfactions. We are amongst the few pioneers in Greece that offer products which protect the environment maintaining the quality of regular products.

But most of all we reflect today’s needs and we offer customers a chance to be part of the global change towards a greener planet.